Having small repairs done to a home’s leaky pipes can save the homeowner 10% on water bills, but large-scale repairs are, naturally, much more complicated.

According to the Democrat and Chronicle, a leak has been found in the Erie Canal and is leading to a section of the canal to be completely shut down for emergency repairs.

New York State maintenance crews spotted a leaky culvert on the canal on the west side of Rochester.

Erie Canal officials stated that there is no immediate danger and the chance of a catastrophic collapse is low, but the situation still calls for immediate repair.

“All of the highly trained experts have said to us if we don’t do the repair now, it will lead to bigger problems down the road,” said Shane Mahar, New York State Canal Corp spokesman.

ABC News reports that the stretch of water between Brockport and Middleport will be drained, followed by the waterway between Middleport and Albion, just west of Murray, will be drained and then refilled with water. The entire stretch of repair is 30 miles long and will remain completely shut down until all repairs are completed.

The emergency repairs are expected to take several weeks.

“The closure of the canal in the middle of summer, especially with the hot weather coming up, is not ideal,” Mahar added. “This is our prime time. But what we’ve learned from out engineering experts is it’s necessary.”

The repairs began Monday, June 27, and boat traffic between Brockport and Niagara County will be closed.

About 15 residents live near the culvert, and some are worried the closure will affect their livelihood.

“It affects me very much,” said Chris VanDusen, owner of Trailside Bicycles in Hulberton. He believes the closure will lower the amount of bike traffic near his store, which sits right next to the Hulberton Lift Bridge. “It’s terrible — I love my waterfront.”

VanDusen, however, noted that the maintenance is necessary to keep the canal working fine.

“Without it, it would be terrible,” VanDusen said. “It’s part of our heritage.”