Each weekend an average of 44,230 weddings take place across the United States. Unfortunately, many of those marriages don’t always last too long.

In fact, Between 42% and 45% of first marriages end in divorce.

Just because a marriage doesn’t work out, however, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you or your partner. You might’ve just grown apart and realized you’re not right for each other. And that’s okay. On the flip side, you shouldn’t run to divorce lawyers at the first sign of discomfort in your marriage. There is still a change — and a very good one — that your new marriage will last, however. You just have to be willing to put in the work, listen to your spouse, and be willing to compromise at some point. Here are some helpful tips for first time married couples:

Don’t settle for a home one of you will hate

A major mistake that many couples make is settling for a home in a location that isn’t favorable to one or both parties. Renting an apartment for a year or two to save up money is one thing, but actually buying and moving into a home that isn’t ideal for someone can end up causing major issues later on.

The homebuying process is stressful on its own, but if you’re hesitant about a certain area of your town or don’t want to move to another state, things are only going to get worse down the line. You and your partner need to be on the same page here and that might mean passing up on certain opportunities. Maybe your dream home is available but that same place might be a two-hour drive for your spouse to get to and from work each day. If compromises can be made, it might work great! But if not, you might have to look elsewhere for a home. Whatever you do, don’t just settle because your spouse likes a certain home. Since this is going to be your home, too, it needs to be perfect!

Work on housing projects together

Another big issue that new couples find themselves in is actually upgrading their home once they purchase one. This directly involves finances, which is one of the major contributors to divorce. But if you plan out everything with your spouse, and actually listen to each other’s ideas and concerns, you could end up having a lot of fun renovating your home!

According to Home Advisor, the average basement remodel can have up to a 70% return on investment. It’s certainly going to be hard work, sure. But it will be well worth it!

Never stop having fun with each other

Dating someone new is fun. Falling in love is fun. Planning a wedding is fun. Having a wedding is fun. Going on a honeymoon is fun. It’s all fun… until it isn’t. Sure the fresh spark might not always be there but that doesn’t mean you just have to neglect every opportunity you have to get away and have some fun!

Spontanaety is crucial for every relationship. So even when things get tough, do everything you can to set aside time every once in a while to get out of the house and have some fun with your partner! Maybe go on a trip to somewhere new and exciting. Or if you can’t swing that for the time being, think about some fun things you used to do when you just began your relationship. Doing these kinds of activities could help give your marriage the spark it needs to thrive!

Remember to always be honest

People make mistakes. It happens. It’ll happen to you and it’ll happen to your partner. But people are also very forgiving. Even if you mess up and do something that you think your partner will consider to be terrible, the worst thing you can do is lie about it and try and cover it up. That will only cause more problems and ruin the trust you have in each other.

Whatever it is, you just need to be honest with your spouse at all times. If you’re being honest with each other, you’ll be able to overcome all sorts of difficult issues. If you’re not being honest, only bad things are headed your way.

This isn’t the movies. This is real life. And real life is extremely difficult. Just make sure you’re talking with your partner, being as open and honest as possible, and never stop having fun!