Your home is composed of many different elements that come together to make it what it is. It’s crucial to take care of each of these elements so you keep your home in good shape throughout. Doing this can help you to live sustainably and improve the function and appearance of your home. One important element is the windows, so read on to see five reasons why it’s a good idea to invest in new windows for your Rochester home before winter.
1. They’re Damaged
The first and best reason to replace your home’s windows is if they’re damaged. This may be as a result of severe weather or general wear and tear. It doesn’t matter much what happened to them to damage them, but what matters is that you need to get them replaced as soon as you can. Once you replace them, don’t forget to pair them with the right window treatments. Doing this will minimize air dissipation through the windows by an impressive amount. This is proved by the fact that up to 20% of air dissipation takes place through your home’s windows. This means that having the right shades or blinds can make a noticeable difference.
2. They’ve Reached the End of Their Lifespan
Your windows are, like every other element in your home, unfortunately mortal. This means that after a given length of time, they’re going to reach the end of the road and you’ll be required to replace them. This will enable you to get windows that function better and that also improve your home’s curbside appeal. Shop for the right windows and they’ll be a great investment as they can make your Rochester home instantly more valuable.
3. Your Energy Bills Are Exaggerated
If your energy bills are on an ever-upward climb, it’s a good idea for you to check your windows. This is because, according to the United States Department of Energy, you can get an increase to your heating bills of 10% as a result of air leaking around your windows and doors. Try to bring your energy bills back to a reasonable level, therefore, by replacing your windows. Get quality windows and have them installed by a professional so that there’s no chance of an improper installation being done, which can cost you a tidy sum in having to do another renovation right on the heels of doing the replacement.
4. You Have a Hard Time Opening and Closing Them
If it’s become appreciably difficult for you and your family to operate the windows in your home, you should think about replacing them. This is going to make your lives a lot easier and less stress-free because you’ll not have to struggle each time you need to operate the windows. When replacing them, make sure that the windows you get are strong and secure. This is important because the windows are one possible way in which burglars can gain entry into your home. You’ll get a lot of peace of mind from doing this, so research widely on the best windows for your home.
5. You Have Drafty, Single-Pane Windows
Finally, if you can feel a chilly draft of air whenever you sit close to the windows in your Rochester home, you need to look into replacing them. Doing this is going to make all areas of your home equally comfortable. It will also help you to keep your energy bills manageable as mentioned elsewhere in this article. Remember that when you get ENERGY STAR windows to replace single-pane windows in your Rochester home, you can save up to $465 every year. The average savings that you can make with a replacement are between $126 and $465 each year. This is an amount that can inspire any homeowner looking for a way to improve their energy bills to replace their windows right away.
These five reasons should make it clear why it’s important for you to invest in new windows for your Rochester home. Make a plan and get a qualified team to work on them. This way, you’re likely to get an amazing outcome that will help you secure your home and keep it in good shape for a long time to come.