Last night the City Council voted 6 to 3 in favor of extending the red light camera program until 2019. The The official report from the traffic data study was released last week.
The study, which compared data before and after cameras were installed, concluded that the presence of cameras is improving safety:
- Collisions with injuries decreased 30%
- Total number of collisions decreased 26%
- Right-angle collisions decreased 36%
- Rear-end collisions decreased 18%
- Collisions caused by disregard of traffic signals decreased 61%
The number of collisions decreased at 22 intersections with cameras, and increased at 8 intersections. Two intersections showed no change. City engineer, Jim McIntosh, said the city will look into the cause of increased crashes at those 8 intersections.
The number of violations decreased 30% in the three months after the cameras were installed.
There is a vocal opposition to the red light program in Rochester. 891 signatures against extending the program were submitted to the city council. Many who oppose the program said it unfairly targets those in lower income neighborhoods and that it only exists to generate revenue for the city.
There has also been opposition because of tickets issued when making authorized right turns during red lights. The City Council made an amendment that tickets will not be enforceable if a driver stops beyond the intersection line unless it is clear that it is a blatant violation. Keep in mind that just because a camera snaps a photo, it does not automatically generate a ticket. “Evidence captured by the Red Light Cameras is reviewed three times and approved by the Rochester Police Department before a Notice of Liability is delivered in the mail to the registered owner of the vehicle.”
There have also been questions raised about how the study was conducted and that it was skewed to indicate that the presence of cameras has reduced accidents. I’d love to have some insight on that if anyone can help me out. How should the study have been conducted?
Are red light cameras the lone answer to reducing traffic accidents? No. There is no one solution that will for make our streets safer for all who use them. But many cities, including Rochester, are testing initiatives like red light camera programs that work together with other measures to help reduce the number of traffic accidents on city streets.
You can read the full report here: Red Light Camera Effectiveness Evaluation
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Do Red Light Cameras Make Rochester Streets Safer?
Written by: Renee
Tags: rochester walkability, rochester traffic safety, rochester traffic accidents, red light camera program, rochester red light cameras,
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