Rochester is gearing up for the holidays. Getting your business ready for the ROC Holiday Village can endear your business to the community and can help everyone get into the holiday spirit. Preparing your Rochester business for the ROC Holiday Village can be done in a few easy steps.
The ROC Holiday Village
The ROC Holiday Village is one of New York’s favorite wintertime festivals. This year, from December 3 through December 19, the ROC Holiday Village will be putting a smile on everyone’s face. The event includes ice skating, a visit to Santa, a great village to shop, an indoor food and drink bar, crafts for the kids, music to set the mood, and more.
This is the third year of the ROC Holiday Village. Get your business ready to participate in this great event and solidify your relationship with the Rochester community. According to recent statistics, about 70% of business partnerships fail, and one of the reasons is because of lack of involvement. Involving your business and your partners in the Holiday Village festival is not only good for business, it is good for team building within your business.
Let’s Get Ready
Deck the halls, or in this case your storefront. Holiday decorations help to put everyone in the mood to shop. Add some festive décor to your business that will beckon shoppers to come in and browse.
Consider extending shop hours to catch the foot traffic as they leave the Holiday Village. Adjusting hours and decorating your business will help you to attract a lot of foot traffic. You can even use this gift as a tax deduction for your business. The IRS collected $3.4 trillion in 2017. If you can save some money on your taxes and bring joy to your customers you should.
Consider a Freebie
Entice people to come shop at your business by offering a free gift. It can be as simple as a candy cane, or another sweet treat as they come through the door. Sharing a treat with customers shows appreciation and is also appreciated by the customer.
Set up a table near the door and invite customers to take a small gift bag with them filled with candy. It is a simple, inexpensive gesture that helps to celebrate the season.
Shell Out the Savings
Save your sale days for this Rochester event. According to NFCC, a 2019 financial survey revealed that about one out of every five adults feels good about their savings. You can help the other four feel better about their savings habits by helping them find great savings at your business during this holiday season.
Schedule your sales to fall within the range of the winter festival and help people feel holly jolly. Over specific discounts to people that attend the Holiday Village. Make it fun. For example, anyone that brings in a picture of Santa can get an additional 10% off.
Find Your Hook
There will be a competition in Rochester during the Roc Holiday Village. You may have to find a way to make your business stand out. Find a hook that is specific to your business. Plan on finding ways to entice Rochester attendees to be interested in your business.
In other words, get the word out about your business. Advertise, spread the word via social media, and promote the advantages of using your business. For example, if you are an apparel retailer, advertise on social media and use other mediums that you have “holiday outfits” if you do.
Expand on the value that your business has to offer when you are spreading the word about your business and the ROC Holiday Village. Grabbing the attention of the Rochester festival-goers by engaging with them on social media can help you to enjoy a robust business during the ROC Holiday Village.