Whether or not you’ve been keeping up with the news Rochester has been hit by the COVID-19 global pandemic in much the same fashion that communities around the country and the world have. In any case, it’s helpful to understand just what types of industries in Rochester have been most impacted by the global pandemic at this point in time. With so many people ready for reopening Rochester, and others taking an opposite viewpoint, now serves as a good time to get informed about the impact on the local community. Here’s our brief list of some of the Rochester industries being impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Medical and Healthcare Industries
While it may seem like an obvious thing to point out, many people still are simply oblivious as to just how much the global pandemic has affected the medical and healthcare industries. Of course, there are many different aspects to a community’s healthcare system, which is why it’s helpful to take a bit of a closer look at some specific segments of the healthcare industry that have been particularly impacted by the global pandemic.
Were you aware of the fact that an estimated 20% of the U.S. population will be over 65 by 2030? Even though this number may serve to be quite shocking to most people when they first hear it, the reality is that more and more people in the country require long term housing and health care in the later stages of life. Because the COVID-19 Global Pandemic tends to cause more of a risk to older people, the healthcare system has been forced to respond.
In Rochester and elsewhere around the U.S., nursing homes and long term care facilities have had to take particular caution when dealing with both patients and visitors. As a matter of fact, the global pandemic has made it so that most nursing homes and elderly care facilities are not even allowed to permit guests to access their buildings until more is known. As a result, this kind of new normal has put a major strain on the healthcare industry in Rochester and beyond. One particular problem is that nursing home staff has been overworked and impacted even more than some people may realize.
Of course, you’re likely still aware that hospitals and other traditional healthcare facilities continue to experience new challenges as a result of the global pandemic. In addition to taking on specific health and safety guidelines, hospitals and doctor’s offices are also doing everything they can to make sure their employees have access to proper personal protective equipment. The increased demand for testing both in Rochester and the rest of the nation also puts an added strain on each and every healthcare worker in the field.
Manufacturing Industry
Polyethylene or polythene (PE) is the most common plastic. The annual global production is around 80 million tons. Even though most people don’t actively think about the role that such manufactured goods play in their day to day life, the global pandemic is making it more apparent than ever before. With many manufacturing facilities operating at reduced hours or closing altogether, industries of all kinds are feeling the hurt in the form of missing parts and pieces that may be a necessity to their line of work.
Furthermore, the effects of the pandemic have spilled over into the supply chain and many forms of major transportation. The specialty gas market is categorized into 2 types: pure gases and gas mixtures. Without proper access to both types of gas, transportation across all industries is seeing some major changes. Pent up consumer demand and subsequent lack of supply for some products and services makes it even harder for companies who are trying to stay afloat while also keeping profits flowing.
The Restaurant Industry
As you probably know, restaurants have been hit hard by the global pandemic all across the country. Rochester is no exception here. Of course, some local restaurants and larger chain restaurants are able to keep some money coming in from new takeout procedures and increased delivery activity. However, according to some polls, many people are simply still cautious about going out to eat at restaurants, even once the global pandemic recedes. This kind of expected timidity may lead to even greater financial damage to restaurants of all kinds. But the good news is that people have to eat. And Rochester isn’t exactly short on excellent options for a good meal out.
The Real Estate Industry and Housing Market
You may be surprised by the way the real estate market in Rochester has reacted to the global pandemic. While many may make the assumption that the current situation has made it impossible for people to sell their homes, the opposite actually holds true. Furthermore, people have been eager to buy homes in the area, leading to some impressive growth over the Rochester real estate market as a whole.
As you may have guessed, there are several different factors at play here. First and foremost, many people are happy with comprehensive digital tours of potential homes. The experience doesn’t take too much away from an in-person visit and still provides valuable incentives for buying. However, there may be a larger psychological consideration at play in the housing market. During times of such uncertainty both in Rochester and the rest of the world, people feel calmed and comforted in knowing that they have a new home to live in, both for themselves and their families. Real estate agents across the city have been astounded at just how much growth the sector has been experiencing since the start of the global pandemic.
Rochester has been affected the COVID-19 Pandemic in many of the same ways that other cities across America have been. We hope this list covering some of the most impacted industries in the area has informed and inspired you to make healthy, positive choices moving forward. Be safe and stay healthy!