I have been trying to get a comprehensive listing of all of the Rochester neighborhood associations in one place. I’ve found a bunch listed in different places. If you have a Rochester neighborhood association and want to be listed, please contact us.
ABC Streets Neighborhood Association. This website has recently been updated (December, 2010) and seems to be quite active.
Beechwood Neighborhood Association Beechwood is on the northeastern side of Rochester, NY. The December, 2010 calendar did not have any events on it, so I’m guessing the website is not active. There was an update from the summer of 2010.
The Bel-Air Neighborhood Association is an association in Brighton, a suburb right adjacent to the city boundary. Unfortunately, I don’t see any updates to this website since September 2009.
Rochester Neighborhood Safety
Browncroft Neighborhood Association This website had a healthy listing of garage sales and other events from the year. They also listed a recent Board Meeting in December, 2010.
Corn Hill Neighbors This website has very recent updates from December 13, 2010. They seem to have a forum running on their website also. Not sure how much they use it, but it’s a cool idea for neighborhood communications and discussion.
Evans Farm Neighborhood Association The event calendar didn’t seem too active, but Santa did visit and it was listed 🙂
Highland Park Neighborhood Association The website is up-to-date and has events and news. Extremely active.
Home Acres. This neighborhood association is also in Brighton. Similarly, I don’t see any updates here. The last entry was in 2008.
Houston Barnard Neighborhood Interestingly, Judy is discussed in a book called The Neighborhood, by Peter Lovenheim.
Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association The Lyell-Otis neighborhood is on the northwest side of Rochester NY. They look like they have plans for a newsletter but nothing yet. I could not find any recent events either.
Meadowbrook, also in Brighton, seems to be active. But it mostly has real estate listings.
Maplewood Neighborhood Association. This is a city neighborhood on the north side of Rochester that is just west of the Genesee River.
19th Ward Community Association This website is extremely active with several events in December, 2010 and more planned for early 2011.
North Edge Neighborhood Association On the northern edge of Rochester, the NENA website says “activities suspended and no meetings scheduled.”
North Winton Village I didn’t see too much current activity on this website, but it did have helpful information and links.
Park Central Neighborhood Association Renee’s brand new website for the Park Central Neighborhood Association in Rochester NY. She is trying to list the businesses in the area as well to make it helpful for visitors to the Park Ave area.
Park Ave Merchants Association This is not a Rochester neighborhood association, but I thought it deserved to be listed here anyway.
Rochester Neighborhood of the Arts Their calendar shows 3 events in December, 2010. They also have a forum for discussions and listings for galleries and restaurants in the Neighborhood of the Arts area.
Susan B Anthony Neighborhood Association Last updated in 2009, the site looks largely unattended.
South East Area Coalition, Inc. This organization is a neighborhood preservation company that brings together neighbors and local businesses. They have a huge list of neighborhood associations, which is where we started our research. In fact, my wife contacted the director to find out which neighborhood association was appropriate for our address and some other related questions and received a response within an hour. They have a page of neighborhood associations listed, but many on that page do not have web sites, so those aren’t included here.
SouthWest Area Neighborhood Association This website has a healthy amount of meeting activity and events.
Swillburg Neighborhood Association: The event calendar seems to be empty. I’m not sure this is active.
Upper Monroe Neighborhood Association They have a meeting listed as recent as December 1, 2010.
Upper Mt Hope Neighbors has a recent newsletter from the Fall of 2010. They also have numerous events listed from November.
Those are all the Rochester neighborhood associations I could find. If you know of any other websites that deserve to be listed here, please let me know. I want to know about every Rochester neighborhood association, so please do contact me.
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