[Guest post by Pete Tonery]
Help Shape the Future of Rochester’s City Center
City Planners are in the process of developing a new Master Plan for the City Center. There are already many excellent ideas and you can contribute yours throughout January.
Last night, the City held a public meeting to gather input from city residents. Led by Rochester’s Senior Planner, Jason Haremza (a good guy), the attendees received a comprehensive explanation of the plans so far. They got to see a cool, big screen, 3-D fly-over animation of the proposal. You can see a smaller, Youtube version here: Center City 3D model The trip is a little disorienting and ends on some pushy beauty shots of the bus terminal (A space that would make a better festival shelter or concert hall…)
At the meeting a number of suggestions were offered. There was a request to develop a dog park for pet owners who live downtown. Others asked for more marketing and public relations outreach to attract suburbanites to visit the city and overcome erroneous ideas about safety.
One of the biggest, and most controversial proposals is the idea of filling in the Inner Loop in the East Ave./Broad St. area. There are good reasons for closing the route but the cost to fill it would be high. Many people feel that tax or grant moneys would be better spent on more significant improvements.
Do you have ideas on how to improve the City Center? You can contribute them. First, take the City Center Survey available here: City Center Survey
There will also be another public hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013 from 5:30- 7 p.m in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 30 Church St.
You can also email ideas directly to the city at: City Center of Rochester email
This is an excellent opportunity for all of us creative folks who care about revitalizing downtown Rochester to get involved! Pitch your ideas or tell the planners what ideas you like or oppose. The public process element of Master Planning is very important…and the planners DO listen.
Check out the City’s excellent Master Plan webpage at: City Center Master Plan
You’ll also find links to the other plans the City has in development such as the Erie Harbor Park and the Broad Street Aqueduct as well as the emerging Roc City Skatepark.
Personally, I’d rather see the City flood the Inner Loop as a first step in developing a network of downtown waterways including the old aqueduct and eventually hooking up with the river south of the falls. Adding lights, fountains, paddle-boats, retail shopping, art galleries and restaurants alongside later. Hey, you never know!
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