Where has the time gone? It seemed like just yesterday you were teaching your kids how to read, write, or do puzzles. Now… they are driving! How exciting and terrifying! You’re certainly not doing being a parent just yet, however. Though your teenager is driving, they still are going to need a lot of help from you on how to properly navigate not just the roads, but life in general. If they aren’t 100% sure on how to safely drive and stay out of legal issues — they are going to be in some serious trouble down the line. That’s where you come in!
Here are some tips to help teach your teenaged first-time drivers how to safely drive and stay out of trouble with the law!
Don’t ignore traffic tickets
Letting traffic violations — even minor ones — pile up and continue can lead to some serious financial and legal trouble. In fact, since 2007, a person charged with a 3rd or subsequent offense in their lifetime can be charged with a felony.
The worst thing you can do is to ignore any kind of traffic violation. Even if it’s a minor one. Even if it’s just a warning! If your young driver made a mistake, they need to know what they did wrong and how to correct it so that it never happens again. Get in contact with a professional if you’re unsure of what happened or what the necessary next steps are. In California, drivers have 10 days, including the day of arrest, to properly request the hearing by calling the local driver’s safety office.
Speeding is never worth it
Unfortunatley, it takes a long time for children to realize that speeding is never acceptable. Never. It’s just not worth it.
There are so many kids that want to see triple-digits as soon as they get behind the wheel, but that’s extremely dangerous. Other young drivers think speeding is only okay in emergency situations. But even then, it’s not!
You have to teach your kids that no matter the situation, speeding is never the answer. But what if my girlfriend is pregnant and we’re on our way to… NO! What about if I’m late for… NO! What if… NO! Speeding is NEVER the answer.
Stay on top of your car’s maintenance
If their vehicle isn’t functioning properly, they will be putting themselves and everyone else out on the roads at risk of getting seriously injured or worse. Teach them early on about the importance of visually inspecting their car before every drive. Also, they need to know the basics — changing tires, putting air in the tires, etc. — and when to take their vehicle into a mechanic’s shop.
Don’t forget all the paperwork, too. Their vehicle needs to be insured at all times. That means staying on top of auto insurance payments and never falling behind. Also, make sure they are getting their vehicle inspected and staying up with registration, as well.
Keep in mind, if parking or traffic tickets do start piling up for you or your family, consider taking advantage of any kind of government assistance. In the last decade, the U.S. government has invested $35 billion in meaningful use incentive payments. All you have to do is know where to look!
Driving is a lot of fun, sure, but it’s also one of the most important responsibilities of someone’s life. Make sure you’re instilling a lifelong appreciation for safe and legal driving so your children will be as safe as possible while driving — either on long road trips across the country or a simple trip to the corner store. Good luck and stay safe!