We all want our kids to be safe and happy and in a large city like Rochester, NY, but this can be especially hard. There are certain things that your child should avoid to be safe in Rochester, and we want to let you know just what they are.
Always Stay With an Adult
The first, and perhaps most important thing to remember in a busy city like Rochester, is to always stay with an adult. For younger children, this is likely not an issue as most parents do not let their very young children go out in any city alone. For older kids, this may be tougher to follow. With any safety measure, you are always going to do best if you have an adult with you and you have someone that is going to look out for you. When out to the market or out shopping, it is always best to make sure that if you can have an adult with you, that you do.
Avoid High Crime Areas
Every city has areas that are higher in crime than others, and most people know exactly where they are. It is important that if you know where high crime areas are, you try to avoid them. If you are driving for instance, even if the area may seem fine, you should still try to avoid it if possible to keep yourself safe and secure. Just because 2.2 million miles of road in the US are paved, that does not mean that all cars are safe to drive on them.
Stay Alert
One of the best things that you can tell your child is that they should stay alert. You should always be looking at your surroundings, look for people that may be following you, look for people that seem out of place, and make sure that if there is something that you think is strange or dangerous, you take a mental note of it. Staying alert is one of the best ways to ensure that you are going to be ready if something does happen and that you are prepared to take action. Much like when you have a cracked windshield, most cracks that are longer than 12 inches require replacement, you want to make sure your child is prepared and paying attention.
Keep Your Phone Handy
This does not mean flashing your phone around or staying on your phone while you are walking, but rather, keeping your phone handy so that if you do have to call the police or your parent it is easy to get to and you do not have to stop walking and search for your phone. If you are wearing a coat, a secure coat pocket is a great place for your phone that is easy to access if you need it but that is still secure and out of sight. Keeping your phone where you can reach it easily is going to help you call for assistance if you need it quickly and easily.
Stay Out of the Road
This should be a given, but it is still worth mentioning. We invest a lot of time and effort into our kids, 25 to 50% of them need orthodontics and other care and we want to ensure that they are safe. You should work to tell your children that they need to stay out of the road. Make sure to only use proper crossings, be careful and pay attention, stay on the sidewalk and other areas where you are allowed to walk to ensure that you are not going to get into the road and get hurt. Making sure they know the traffic laws and that they know what areas are safe to walk and which are not can truly help them avoid getting hurt and avoid injury overall.