[Post by Adam.]
As a follow-up to my research to find every Rochester neighborhood association website a few weeks back, Renee and I have been contacting people to see what other groups are active in the city of Rochester. She has heard back from a bunch of people and we are delighting to be finding all of these active groups in Rochester. I also had a visitor to my office on Friday from the President of the Park Central Neighborhood Association, which was really cool. I spent about 45 minutes getting as much data on the neighborhood as possible and learning who’s who. As new-comers (or new-returners) to Rochester, we want to be very respectful of all the great work that’s been done on the neighborhood. We are also eager to get involved and see how we can help. From the few interactions I’ve had, it seems like it will be a warm reception.
Here is a link to page on the City of Rochester website that highlights the Park Central Neighborhood Group. There is also mention of the Park Avenue Revitalization Coalition on this page of the city website, but no link. More specifically, the Park Avenue Revitalization Coalition is the group that coordinates the Park Ave Arts Festival with the city. The “Park Ave Fest” was started in 1976 and now attracts over 250,000 people to the Park Ave area each August. This includes bands, artists, food and a small assortment of games and bounce-houses for the kids (usually set up in the parking lot near Jines Restaurant.)
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