The Rochester Regional Community Design Center (RRCDC) turned us onto the Huffington Post article
How Your New Year’s Resolutions Can Make Your City Better this morning.

We dig the 5 resolutions (in bold text below) so much that we decided to expand each with applicability to Rochester a bit. It is by no means a complete list, but we wanted to remind everyone that this is a great city. And those of us who live in it have the power to make a difference. You don’t have to run for Mayor or open a non-profit. You just have to participate.

1. Resolve to get around differently.
Walk or hop on your bike.
Take the bus.
Give your car (and the environment) a rest now and then.
2. Resolve to know & love your ‘hood.
Show some pride in your neighborhood and city!
Or start simply by getting to know your neighbors.
3. Resolve to shop and eat local more often.
We have great and convenient local food in Rochester!
And don’t forget about our fabulous Public Market.
Or you could go hog wild like Pete and grow your own. Also learn about your Rochester neighborhood.

4. Resolve to support your public spaces and “third places.”
Check out cool stuff like Project Scion
The fab new Art Walk additions
The work on St. Joseph’s Park
The amazing work of
GardenAeriel at High Falls
Our own Roc City Skatepark
(To name a few, of course.)

5. Resolve to demand better for your city’s future.
Don’t forget to take the City of Rochester’s online survey about the future of our downtown.

And be a part of the solution by participating in your own community in whatever way you feel comfortable.
Thanks to the Huffington Post for the resolutions and inspiration.
Happy New Year, Rochester!