There has been lots of chatter about the possibility of a grocery store in downtown Rochester. People are moving back to the downtown area and one of the things a walkable community needs is, of course, a grocery store. There hasn’t been one in the area since Wegmans closed its store there in the mid 90s.
Well, take hart (yes, the misspelling was on purpose), city dwellers! Hart’s Local Grocer is on its way!

In a press conference today, the Hart’s team announced that it will be opening a store in the East End in May. Hart’s is an independent grocer that will offer a full-service store with emphasis on local and organic. And the grocer will accept food stamps.

The 20,000 square feet store will be located at 10 Winthrop St in the old Craig Autometrics shop, nestled between the Little Theater and Restaurant 2Vine. It will be a welcome addition for those who are car-free, as it is walkable for those in the neighborhood and along a bus line for those who are not. There will be plenty of bike racks and parking for cars.

Welcome to downtown, Hart’s Local Grocer. We are happy to have you! And we especially dig the wagon on the logo.

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